Monday, December 30, 2019

International Terrorism The Entebbe Raid

The Entebbe Raid was part of the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict, which occurred on July 4, 1976, when the Israeli Sayeret Matkal commandos landed at Entebbe in Uganda. Battle Summary and Timeline On June 27, Air France Flight 139 departed Tel Aviv for Paris with a stop in Athens. Shortly after taking off from Greece, the plane was hijacked by two members of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and two Germans from the Revolutionary Cells. The terrorists directed the plane to land and refuel at Benghazi, Libya before continuing on to pro-Palestinian Uganda. Landing at Entebbe, the terrorists were reinforced by three more extremists and were welcomed by dictator Idi Amin. After moving the passengers into the airport terminal, the terrorists released the majority of the hostages, keeping only the Israelis and Jews. The Air France air crew elected to remain behind with the captives. From Entebbe, the terrorists demanded the release of 40 Palestinians held in Israel as well as 13 others held around the world. If their demands were not met by July 1, they threatened to begin killing the hostages. On July 1, the Israeli government opened negotiations in order to gain more time. The following day a rescue mission was approved with Colonel Yoni Netanyahu in command. On the night of July 3/4, four Israeli C-130 transports approached Entebbe under the cover of darkness. Landing, 29 Israeli commandos unloaded a Mercedes and two Land Rovers hoping to convince the terrorists that they were Amin or another high ranking Ugandan official. After being discovered by Ugandan sentinels near the terminal, the Israelis stormed the building, freeing the hostages and killing the hijackers. As they withdrew with the hostages, the Israelis destroyed 11 Ugandan MiG-17 fighters to prevent pursuit. Taking off, the Israelis flew to Kenya where the freed hostages were transferred to other aircraft. Hostages and Casualties In all, the Entebbe Raid freed 100 hostages. In the fighting, three hostages were killed, as well as 45 Ugandan soldiers and six terrorists. The only Israeli commando killed was Col. Netanyahu, who was hit by a Ugandan sniper. He was the older brother of future Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Problems with Teen Pregnancy in Oklahoma Essay - 1032 Words

Oklahoma has been ranked number two in teen birth rates according to a Tulsa World article. Teen pregnancy has always been a problem in America. More and more teens are becoming pregnant every day. Most of them can’t afford the expenses of birth control. Others do not know how to prevent it. Teen pregnancy can also cause education problems with the teen. Teen moms are not mature enough to handle raising a kid. Many kids who have parents who were young when they had them are more than likely going to grow up to be just like their parents. These children and today’s teens need to be educated on how to have a healthy relationship. Oklahoma has found many different ways to get the teen pregnancy rate down. Teen pregnancy is one of the highest†¦show more content†¦The most affective and trusted ones by doctors tend to be the most expensive ones. Jamie Oberg in a news article called â€Å"Teen Pregnancy Problem Plaguing Oklahoma† on Oklahoma’s Own said, â€Å"To have such a high birth rate in Oklahoma we feel is unacceptable when we know teen pregnancy is 100 percent preventable.† Teen birth rate can be prevented, but that can only happen if birth control is free. When birth control becomes free, teens will start using it making the birth rate tremendously drop. Therefore their needs to be an option for free birth control. A massive study that recently ended showed that giving out free birth control led to lower rates of not only abortions but also teen births. The findings of this experiment were greatly expected. A policy in Obama Care is ready to offer a similar protection (â€Å"Study: Free Birth Control†). The significance of this is that given the option, women will choose the most effective birth control and take advantage of it being free. Rather birth control is free or not, more and more teenagers are starting to take caution because of the programs being offered at school about protected sex. Teenagers hav e little awareness about how to prevent becoming pregnant. In a news article by Daniel Armbuster, he said, â€Å"It’s all about healthy relationships. That’s where we fail our kids is teaching them how to have a healthy relationship. In other words, teenagers have not heard anything about how to prevent teen pregnancy. TheirShow MoreRelatedEssay on Is Teen Pregnancy a Problem?1044 Words   |  5 PagesHow many pregnant teens have there been? Over the years more girls are becoming teen moms. In Oklahoma teen pregnancy has become a problem. Recently Oklahoma has had a pregnancy rate of 47.5% (Tulsa World). Not only is it an issue in Oklahoma but an issue in the United States as a whole. The lack of awareness and how to prevent pregnancy is a reason to blame for the increasing numbers. 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Some possible causes of high school students dropping out include stress, boredom, family problems, pregnancies, and drugs. With that said, with ev ery issue, there is always a solution. By taking the problem at hand and looking at it from aRead MoreSexual Education And Teen Pregnancy1238 Words   |  5 PagesSexual education need to be inforce more properly because it is causing a rapid growth in teen pregnancy and STD’S. Teen pregnancy is a female under the age of 20. Teen pregnancy is found more common between the ages of 13-18 years of age. Today there is over 250,000 teen mothers in the United States. The main reason for teen pregnancy is because of lack of sexual education, lack of safe sex, lack of support from the parents or guardians, lack of protection, and lack using of birth control. SexualRead MoreTeen Pregnancy And Teenage Pregnancy1551 Words   |  7 PagesTeen pregnancy is something that affects over one million young teens in the United States. For some, these pregnancies are planned but 85% of these teens the pregnancy is unplanned. This can cause a lot of endless problems in the life of the teen and the newborn child. There are a lot of things that can cause an unplanned teen pregnancy, such as teens experimenting with sexual encounters at a young age. Another major cause is the lack of guidance due to guardians that are blind or do not want toRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy Is An Issue For A Plethora Of Reasons1344 Words   |  6 PagesTeenage pregnancy is an issue for a plethora of reasons. For example, there are many health risks for the mother and the baby that come along with teenage pregnancy. Although most pregnancies are accidents, this one accident can cause a complete change in the fath er and mother’s lives. One may ask, is teenage pregnancy on the rise? Luckily, it isn’t. Just in 2013, â€Å"there were 26.6 births for every 1,000 adolescent females ages 15-19, or 274,641 babies born to females in this age group† (â€Å"Teen Births†)Read MoreTeen Pregnancy And Teenage Pregnancy Rates940 Words   |  4 Pagesshow that black and Latina girls have that highest teenage pregnancy rate compared to other races of girls. Black and Latina girls are more than twice as likely as white or indian girls to become pregnant before they leave adolescence.While dramatic declines among Hispanic and black teens (51 percent and 44 percent, respectively) have helped reduce gaps, birth rates remain twice as high for these teens nationally compared with white teens .It varies all across the U.S. and even county by county, theRead MoreTeenage Pregnancy Is A Public Health Issue1637 Words   |  7 Pagesrates, defined as live births per one thousand 15-19-year-old US females, declined by 10 % from 2012 to 2013 from 29.4 to 26.5. In fact, the birth rate has been on a steady decline over the past 20 years, from 61.8 in 1991 to 26.5 in 2013. Teenage pregnancy represents both a health and social inequality in our society. Specifically, teenage childbearing is a public health issue because teenage mothers are more likely to experience negative social outcomes such as dropping out of school. This is aRead MoreThe Effects Of Teen Pregnancy On The Body997 Words   |  4 PagesTeen pregnancy is followed by many problems such as medical risks, emotional weight, and financial problems. The average cost of raising a child until they are eighteen is about $245,340. That is around $12,800 - $14,970 per child per year. Medical hazards include the following: anemia, high blood pressure, depression, premature birth, poor nutrition, and low birth weight. Anemia is the lack of iron in the blood. The high blood pressure can lead to other health issues and preeclampsia. PreeclampsiaRead MorePoverty And Its Effects On Children1377 Words   |  6 Pagespeople tend to overlook is the effect that poverty has on childhood. Many children grow up in poverty and the effects can last for a life time. For many of these kids who grow up in these conditions the effects include poor health, a high risk for teen pregnancy, and the lack of an education. Poor health is a direct of effect of poverty, children with families with no money or that live in a country that cannot provide the right kind of services do not have access to adequate medical treatment, â€Å"Psychological

Friday, December 13, 2019

Monetary Policy and Its Impact on the Recession Free Essays

Running head: MONETARY POLICY/MACROECONOMIC IMPACT PAPER Monetary Policy/Macroeconomic Impact Paper Heather Robinson University of Phoenix MMPBL 501 04/25/2010 Introduction The Federal Reserve Board (FED) utilizes tools to control or manipulate the money supply, these tools affect macroeconomic factors such as inflation, unemployment and interest rates, which ultimately determine a country’s GDP. To recommend the best monetary policy combination I will discuss the tools used by the feds, explain how money is created and also illustrate the effect of the money supply on the economy. It is the money supply which determines the rate of inflation, unemployment and economic growth. We will write a custom essay sample on Monetary Policy and Its Impact on the Recession or any similar topic only for you Order Now Tools Used by The Federal Reserve To Control Money Supply. The Fed has three main tools for controlling the money supply these are their Open Market Operations, The Discount Rate, and The Reserve Ratio. These tools can be used to alter the reserve ratios of the commercial banks which in turn determine the money supply. â€Å"The money supply consists of currency (Federal Reserve Notes and coins) and checkable deposits. The U. S. Burea of Engraving creates Federal Reserve notes and the U. S. Mint creates the coins. †(McConnell Brue 2004) â€Å"By purchasing government bonds, (securities) the Fed increases the reserves of the banking system which then increase the lending ability of the commercial bank,†(McConnell Brue 2004) and the money supply available. Selling bonds will also achieve the opposite results namely reduce the money supply by reducing the reserves of the bank. The central bank desires to be a lender of last resort. When the commercial bank borrows it gives the Fed a promissory note drawn against itself and secured by acceptable collateral. The Fed charges interest on the loans which is called the discount rate. The new reserve obtained by borrowing from the Fed immediately becomes excess reserves as no required reserve needs to be kept for loans received from the Fed. Thus by reducing the discount rate, commercial banks can be encouraged to borrow from the Fed which directly increases their excess reserves and their ability to lend, so the money supply is increased. The opposite can also be done to reduce the money supply. The Fed can also manipulate the reserve ratio as a means of affecting the ability of commercial banks to lend. If the Fed increases the reserve ratio the commercial bank is forced to reduce its checkable deposits in order to increase its reserves to the new minimum requirement. It might also be forced to sell some bonds in order to increase its required reserves, and both scenarios would result in a reduction of the money supply. By lowering the reserve ratio the commercial banks reserve is transformed into excess reserve which increases the banks capability of lending, which increases the money supply. â€Å"Interest rates in general rise and fall with the federal funds rate. The prime interest rate is the benchmark rate that banks use as a reference point for a wide range of interest rates on loans to business and individuals. † (McConnell Brue 2004) Therefore when the Fed changes the discount rate it also changes the prime interest rate. A lower discount rate is passed on to consumers who then are able to obtain lower interest rates for mortgages and credit cards which increases their disposable income. This higher disposable income then results in more demand for goods and services which causes an increase in the supply of these goods to meet the increasing demand. Also an increase in the money supply and more money to lend by the banks result in more credit for businesses who are then able to purchase more materials to produce more or invest into the expansion of their businesses. The end result is that more goods and services are being produced as a result of the increase in money supply, which is beneficial to the country’s GDP. â€Å"In brief, the impact of changing interest rates is mainly on investment (and, through that, on aggregate demand, output, employment and the price level). Moreover investment spending varies inversely with the interest rate. †(McConnell Brue 2004) The Creation of Money Money creation occurs in two main ways, the creation of base money, mostly currency notes created by the Federal Reserve. The second process involves checking account or deposit money created by commercial banks, which makes up most of the money supply. Base money is created when the Fed performs open market operations. The Fed injects money when it purchases Government securities, by creating it. Almost all money we come by has its basis in money that the Fed invented Once this money has been created approximately ten times as much can be created by banks in checking accounts and deposits. They accomplish this by granting loans to the public, a corresponding amount of checking account money is created with each new loan. So money is created when the money supply is increased. Using expansionary monetary policy, decreasing the reserve ratio and discount rates, or buying bonds and securities result in money being created. State of the Economy With regards to the U. S. conomy, it has â€Å"contracted further since the beginning of the recession, and the labor market worsened over the first half of 2009†. according to the published monetary policy report to the congress. (MPRC July 2009) Economic activity decreased sharply and strains in financial markets and pressures on financial institutions overall intensified. (MRPC July 2009. ) However the negative activity appears t o be abating, unemployment has continued to increase but at a slower pace, while inflation has been minimal. To date the credit conditions continue to be restrictive and it is still difficult for businesses and households to receive credit. The U. S. real gross domestic product (GDP) was less than the first quarter of 2009, though it seems that the† contraction of overall output looks to have moderated somewhat of late. â€Å"(MPRC July 2009). Consumer spending was increased due to the tax cuts and increases in various benefit payments received as part of a stimulus package, which increased disposable incomes. The housing market has experienced some stabilization in the demand for new houses after three years of persistent declines. Businesses however have continued to decrease their capital spending and liquidating of inventories due to reduced demand and excessive stocks. More recently foreign demand has also dropped for U. S. products which produced a reduction in U. S. exports and the U. S. demand for imports also fell. Concerns of the Federal Reserve and Directions of Recent Monetary Policy The Federal Reserve policy action has focused on facilitating economic recovery and encouraging the flow of credit, which brought the federal funds rate down to a historic low rate of zero to one quarter percent, and also purchased additional agency (MBS) mortgage backed securities. MPRC 2009) â€Å"Overall consumer price inflation which slowed sharply late last year remained subdued in the first half of this year, as the margin of slack in labor and product markets widened considerably further as prices of oil and other commodities retraced only a part of their earlier steep declines. †(MPRC2009)There is no effort to control inflation which seems to be under control so all emphasis is been placed on assisting the economy in recovering from the recession using monetary policies. In addition to reducing the federal funds rate and purchasing securities, the Fed continued to provide funding to financial institutions and markets using a variety of credit and liquidity facilities. Recent monetary policy actions include the decision of the Federal Open market Committee (FOMC), to expand its purchases of agency MBS and agency debt and to commence the purchasing of longer-term treasury securities to assist in improving the conditions in private credit markets. The fed also announced it will expand the eligible collateral under the TALF program, which is the recently launched Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility. In June 2009, at the FOMC meeting, the members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks provided projections for economic growth, unemployment and inflation, these projections included the expectation of â€Å"real GDP to bottom out in the second half of this year, and then move onto a path of gradual recovery, bolstered by an accommodative monetary policy, government efforts to stabilize financial markets, and fiscal stimulus. † (MPRC2009) It was also projected that conditions in the labor market would continue to eteriorate, and then improve slowly over the next two years, and inflation would remain subdued in 2010 and 2011. Recommended Monetary policy When trying to recover from a recession and stimulating economic growth it is possible to increase inflation due to the increase in money supply if the expansionary policies are prolonged. There has to be a balance which will reduce unemployment, deter inflation and ye t promote economic growth. Monetary policy has been the best choice to manipulate the money supply as it is flexible, prompt and isolated from political pressure. McConnell Brue 2004) The Fed can utilize open market operations, discount rate and the reserve ratio to achieve a balance between inflation, economic growth and unemployment. If the expansionary monetary policies result in too much spending and increased inflation, it can be curbed by selling securities, or increasing the discount rate and reserve ratios of the commercial banks. In the University of Phoenix simulation, the scenarios represented opportunities to utilize monetary policies to curb inflation, unemployment and increase GDP. The solution was the effective manipulation of the discount rate, reserve ratio, and open market operations. What was noticeable was that when the money supply increased so did inflation, and the unemployment rate is inversely related to the GDP. When the GDP increased unemployment fell. Conclusion The three tools of monetary policy which include, open market operations, the discount rate and the reserve ratio are quite effective in the application of expansionary or restrictive monetary policies to combat recessions or curb inflation. Whenever the Fed lowers the discount rate or the reserve ratio they increase commercial banks lending which stimulates aggregate demand and investment. The most effective tool seems to be the open market operation which is utilized more frequently, as the Government buys and sells securities often to manipulate the commercial bank’s reserves. Monetary policy is most effective due to speed and flexibility, it is free from political pressure and can be quickly utilized to respond to inflation and unemployment, and to create economic growth. References Bankers Research Institute, The Wizards of Money Part 1: How Money Is created. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from http://www. altruists. org/static/files McConnell, C. Brue, S. (2004). Economics: Principles, Problems, and Policies, 6th ed. McGraw-Hill Irwin. Monetary Policy Report to the Congress, July 21, 2009. Retrieved April 26, 2010 from http://www. federalreserve. gov/monetarypolicy/mpr_20090721_part1. htm University of Phoenix. (2010). Simulations Monetary Policy [Computer Software]. Retrieved from University of Phoenix, Simulation MMPBL 501 website. How to cite Monetary Policy and Its Impact on the Recession, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Health Literacy And Improving Communication Skills †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Health Literacy And Communication. Answer: The term health literacy is defined as the degree to which a particular health individual has the capability to obtain information, process and thereby understand the different information related to health. It also helps the individual to understand the basic services which are needed to make development in the quality of health and hence make proper health decisions. Health literacy has been found to be guided by a large number of factors (Beatencourt et al., 2016). These are communication skills of the lay persons as well as the professionals. Moreover, the knowledge of the patients who arrive at the hospital as well as the knowledge possessed by the health care professional also affects the service delivery quality. Cultural backgrounds of the patients as well as the healthcare staffs influence the idea of different services as different cultures tend to make definite perceptions about a particular healthcare (Arnold Boggs, 2015). Often demands of the situation as well as the de mands of the healthcare and public health systems also tend to act as important factors in which health literacy is dependent on (Koh, Gracia Alvarez, 2014). The essay will now focus on the importance that communication holds in relation to health literacy in culturally diverse environments. It will also show how strategies can be developed to promote health literacy with the help of effective communication in the healthcare settings. Cultural competency is a very important attribute that every healthcare professional should possess as a part of their service delivery. Culture is a particular domain which has the ability to affect how people communicate, understand and thereby respond to different healthy information that is provided by the health care professionals (Purnell, 2014). The healthcare professional who has the feature of cultural as well as linguistic competency can contribute to health literacy. It is very important for the healthcare professional attending a culturally diverse patient to have an idea of cultural competence. With the help of this ability the healthcare professionals can recognize the cultural beliefs, values, traditions, language preferences as well as the attitudes and thereby can understand the health practices of the diverse population. Understanding the knowledge of the patient about his health is very important so that the healthcare practitioner can apply interventions according to their cultural preferences (Betancourt, Corbett Bondayrk, 2014). Communication is found to be effective tool that helps in developing health literacy in not only a patient of similar culture but also helps in developing literacy in culturally diverse patients. The healthcare professionals have their own culture and language that have been incorporate within them when they go through their education years and even join their profession. Therefore many of them adopt the culture of medicine and therefore they tend to develop a language specialty. This is mainly due to the result of their own training and work environment. Therefore it becomes a barrier for many of such healthcare professionals to get over their regular practice and communicate with patients in a simpler way (Jordan et al., 2013). This becomes more difficult for patients who are coming from a culturally diverse background. This is mainly because patients with different cultures have their own perception of healthcare that they want to get as a service. Moreover due to their language b arrier, it sometimes becomes difficult for them to express their concerns and their needs. Moreover it also becomes much difficult for them to understand the different alternatives of healthcare treatment that the healthcare professional is suggesting them. These are two reasons. The first one may be a language barrier where the patient is not being able to grasp what the healthcare patient is suggesting them. The second reason is as they are from a different culture, their ways and perceptions of healthcare may differ from those practices by the healthcare organizations. Moreover being lay man, developing ideas concepts about various diseases, their treatments and often the services available for them are also not possible as their perceptions may vary and they may also not have proper knowledge (Tucker et al., 2015). They need to develop a communication skill which will help the patients to promote their health literacy but will also help them to express their concerns. The commun icative skills will be exhibited in a way which will maintain the autonomy and dignity of the patients besides respecting the culture of the patients paying importance to their diversity (Beauchamp et al., 2015). Communication is found to be an integral part not only in making appointments for this visit for advice to the healthcare sectors but also in every important aspects like developing the knowledge about the disorder that had occurred in the patient. It also helps the patient to understand the risks and benefits that the patients may face from the service and then understand the care instructions (Attard et al., 2015). In short, communication is a skill required for developing health literacy in patients. However the entire procedure becomes difficult for a patient of culturally different background as their ways of perception of health care may vary; the services may not be according to their customs and traditions or may be due to simple language behaviour. Hence it is the entire responsibility of the nurse or the healthcare professional to develop communication skills that will help in developing the health literacy among the culturally diverse patients (Chiu et al., 2016). Researchers have therefore come to a conclusion that it is extremely important for the healthcare professionals to use a number of patient centered strategies. These will help the culturally diverse population who may fail to receive or may not understand oral as well as written health information in English which has used difficult complex medical jargon. This is because culturally diverse background people may not have knowledge in English with improper ideas about different diseases (Gordon et al., 2014). A negative aspect that may arise in similar situation is that healthcare disparities may arise when miscommunications take place and this affects certain patient population deeply. Therefore it becomes extremely important for both the healthcare professionals as when the healthcare organizations to address the disparities. This would be done so that not only the patient of different cultural background has the scope of enhancing their health literacy developments but also feel re spected and accepted within the healthcare organization (Huff, Kline Peterson, 2014). The first strategy that is important for the healthcare professionals to include in their practice is gathering of important information about the patients culture, their preferences, and their perceptions towards healthcare, their needs and others. This can be achieved in two important ways. The first way is to engage the patient into a compassionate interaction session, where the patient will be able to able to express her feelings and needs (Truong, Paradies Priest, 2014). These professionals should engage into a compassionate task only after the professional would be gathering enough information about their culture from external sources like internet, colleagues of similar backgrounds and others and prepare his communicative skills. Then the professional would engage into a talk where his main aim would be to develop the health literacy of the patent in a way which would respect their ethnicity and culture. He would also ensure that this talk also helps them to understand the im portance of changes in perceptions. Just by providing the information to the patient, the healthcare professional can never be sure that the patient had developed health literacy about the issue that is discussed. Another important stage of effective communication is to ensure that the listener is able to process the information that is provided to her. This can be only understood by proper evaluation methods which should be taken by the professional Researchers say that there are reports where patients often admit that they have agreed coming under pressure and such a statement from patent may engage the staff in ethical and legal complications. Therefore the healthcare professional should ensure that the patient never agrees under pressure (Doornbros, Zandie DeGroot, 2014). The healthcare professional should also evaluate that whether the patients may ot properly understanding the information and processing them sequentially. Many patients even fail to understand themselves whether they have properly understood the information provided by the staffs. Others may acknowledge that they have limitations but try very hard to avoid embarrassment. Even there are many patients who do not enquire even if the information are not clear to them for they believe that their culture would be disrespected by the professional thinking them to be inefficient. Nurses, with the help of their holistic approach should try to develop a bond with the patients with different backgrounds so that they release their complexities and enquire about their issues. Moreover a patients activity like issues in filling an English form, reading a printed material, unable to process information and others should be noted. Therefore while providing information, the professional should use simple terms which are familiar with the patients belonging to separate culture. The staff should incorporate changes in his communication technique accprding to the patients culture. The professional should arrange the information in user friendl y simple manner by organizing them into units which would be headed by titles. It is extremely important for the staff to develop knowledge about different meanings of particular words which are held by different cultures in different ways. Therefore it is the duty of the professionals to look over it and take necessary steps. Another strategy that the healthcare professional may use to overcome the barrier and ensure development of health literacy in the individual is the teach back method. Here the patient would be asked to repeat what he had understood. This would help the professional to understand how efficiently he had explained the topic and how much the patent had been able to grasp them. The teach-back is a very good evaluative method and would help the professional in developing proper health literacy among the patients of different backgrounds (Chiu et al., 2016). Therefore, one can easily understand how important is the relationship of effective communication of healthcare professionals with that of the patients of culturally diverse background. It has been seen that developing health literacy is extensively important for patients to understand the disorders that they are experiencing, the risks associated with them, the benefits that they will have from proper treatment and the associated information. However, not all the patients are able to understand the different heath realted information due to gaps in knowledge or due to differences in cultural traditions. As a result, often ethical and legal complications arise. Therefore the healthcare professionals should be responsible enough to develop strategies through effective communication method which would help them to promote health literacy in the patients of diverse cultural backgrounds and thereby provide the best service to mankind. References: Arnold, E. C., Boggs, K. U. (2015).Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences. Attard, M., McArthur, A., Riitano, D., Aromataris, E., Bollen, C., Pearson, A. (2015). Improving communication between health-care professionals and patients with limited English proficiency in the general practice setting.Australian journal of primary health,21(1), 96-101. Beauchamp, A., Buchbinder, R., Dodson, S., Batterham, R. W., Elsworth, G. R., McPhee, C., ... Osborne, R. H. (2015). Distribution of health literacy strengths and weaknesses across socio-demographic groups: a cross-sectional survey using the Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ).BMC public health,15(1), 678. Betancourt, J. R., Corbett, J., Bondaryk, M. R. (2014). Addressing disparities and achieving equity: cultural competence, ethics, and health-care transformation.CHEST Journal,145(1), 143-148. Betancourt, J. R., Green, A. R., Carrillo, J. E., Owusu Ananeh-Firempong, I. I. (2016). Defining cultural competence: a practical framework for addressing racial/ethnic disparities in health and health care.Public health reports. Chiu, C., Feuz, M. A., McMahan, R. D., Miao, Y., Sudore, R. L. (2016). Doctor, make my decisions: decision control preferences, advance care planning, and satisfaction with communication among diverse older adults.Journal of pain and symptom management,51(1), 33-40. Doornbos, M. M., Zandee, G. L., DeGroot, J. (2014). Attending to Communication and Patterns of Interaction Culturally Sensitive Mental Health Care for Groups of Urban, Ethnically Diverse, Impoverished, and Underserved Women.Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association,20(4), 239-249. Gordon, R. M., Corcoran, J. R., Bartley-Daniele, P., Sklenar, D., Sutton, P. R., Cartwright, F. (2014). A transdisciplinary team approach to pain management in inpatient health care settings.Pain Management Nursing,15(1), 426-435. Huff, R. M., Kline, M. V., Peterson, D. V. (Eds.). (2014).Health promotion in multicultural populations: A handbook for practitioners and students. SAGE publications. Jordan, J. E., Buchbinder, R., Briggs, A. M., Elsworth, G. R., Busija, L., Batterham, R., Osborne, R. H. (2013). The Health Literacy Management Scale (HeLMS): A measure of an individual's capacity to seek, understand and use health information within the healthcare setting.Patient education and counseling,91(2), 228-235. Koh, H. K., Gracia, J. N., Alvarez, M. E. (2014). Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services--advancing health with CLAS.The New England journal of medicine,371(3), 198. Purnell, L. D. (2014).Guide to culturally competent health care. FA Davis. Truong, M., Paradies, Y., Priest, N. (2014). Interventions to improve cultural competency in healthcare: a systematic review of reviews.BMC health services research,14(1), 99. Tucker, C. M., Arthur, T. M., Roncoroni, J., Wall, W., Sanchez, J. (2015). Patient-centered, culturally sensitive health care.American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine,9(1), 63-77.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar, Hip

Table of Contents Introduction The book description Book organization The book in a wider context Conclusion Works Cited Footnotes Introduction The world of hip-hop is always about ‘realness’ as artists use their artistic skills to show what really happens in their surroundings and how those around them interpret these issues. In his book ‘Hip-hop Revolution: the culture and politics of Rap’ Jeffrey O. G. Ogbar, appreciates hip-hop and confronts the myths associated with the cult of authenticity where people want to associate with this hip-hop culture by adopting certain characteristics associated with hip-hop performers such as how they walk, talk and express themselves.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar, Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He addresses in this book, the positive role the hip-hop culture has pla yed in the American society while overlooking the negative stereotypes that have been associated with hip-hop as just empty noise of angry youths just complaining about their problems and situations instead of doing something about it1. In a society that is dominated by negative stereotypes in regard to race and gender and artists trying to express a sense of how they perceive real issues about race, class and gender, how does Ogbar manage to bring out the revolution that has been experienced in the world of hip-hop. He tries to answer this by answering questions such as what it means to be real as viewed by the artists and whether truly hip-hop is disintegrating the American society. This will be addressed in this book review as we look at how the author represents his views, interpretations and research about the hip-hop culture2 The book description In this book, Ogbar explores the lyrical world of rap and displays their struggle to identify what reality is to them, and where the y belong in the class, race and gender categories and how this reality is viewed by the society in America which has not been kind at all to this genre of music. Ogbar who has been born in Chicago and raised in Los Angeles, California and has studied history and African American studies, have explored the negative black images that are associated with rap and the artist’s historical and political awareness. He has gone on to display the realities of wide spectrum rap categories such as gangsta rap represented by 50 Cent, conscious hip-hop of Mos Def and ‘underground ‘ variety of artists such as Jurassic 5 and the Roots3.Advertising Looking for book review on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More He strives to face the impression that is widely held in the American society that hip-hop is anti social and dangerous due to the crime focused lyrics, antisocial messages and the politics of racial words such as â€Å"nigga† presented especially by black youths. This he does by presenting these artists views about their music and what it means to them and society and its place in the society4. Ogbar represents this book with an insider love for the culture having had numerous contacts with these artists, and in his role as an adviser to many student organizations such as Black Students Association, Break dancing club, United Men of African Descent and other community organizations, majority of who are followers of the hip-hop culture. This does not, however, obscure his role as a scholar who represents views, research and interpretations with a scholarly detachment. These two aspects makes him draw reality about popular myths about black education achievements, civic involvement, crime and sexuality in the way that has not been done before about this lifestyle that so many people in our society love to hate5. Book organization Jeffrey O. G. Ogbar writes his book, Hip-Hop Revo lution: The culture and Politics of Rap with a passion of person who deeply feels this culture while at the same time criticizing it as a detached scholar in order to bring out the real issues. He arranges his book in a thematic manner with each chapter trying to address the major arguments surrounding rap music and hip-hop culture. He addresses the dialogues on race to a major extent the gender issues and the ideas of realness in regard to reality in his chapters. His themes address the expanse of the debates surrounding them rather than their depth but all the same illustrate the narrowness in which blackness is interpreted in reality. The lack of depth in these themes is seen by some reviewers as leaving vital holes in this discussion as one critic6.Advertising We will write a custom book review sample on Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar, Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Hip-Hop Revolu tion: The culture and Politics of Rap work starts by drawing a parallel between hip-hop and other types of racial cultural creations in the United States of America, thereby showing their unmistakable link with the earlier creations of black studies as it is indicated7. In Chapter one, Ogbar describes the history of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries popular works of art including the emergence of jazz, rock and roll and the 1970s cinemas which displayed the extent of black exploitation and finally the growth of hip-hop in mid 1970s in New York City8. These are the issues that created the hip-hop culture at its basics bringing to life â€Å"the real nigga† impression as it is described in9. This eventually became a very successful commercial and financial sale figure across all racial divides. This is not described in deeper details but the author clearly outlines it was behind the successful marketing of hip-hop (p. 41). This actually saw many of these rap musician s become very successful and popular not only in America but all over the world as people wanted to identify with the black youths who are making their world better despite everything, meaning history of racial segregation and its resultants social problems. Ogbar dedicates chapter two and three to race and gender respectively. In chapter three, he talks about politics and issues associated with the racial sentimentalities such as the use of the word â€Å"nigga.† In this dissection, Ogbar says that non-black MCs use or disuse of the word â€Å"nigga† in their art is now being dictated mainly by the black people10. He discusses the use and commercialization of these expressions as the coming together of black agencies to give a black label authenticity to hip-hop. He gives a look at the Latino, Asian American and white MCs, but Potter says that in this part he fails to dig deeper in the first two instead focuses on rushing out at white MCs. He says that there is a sort of solidarity between blacks and Latinos where uttering such words as â€Å"nigga† by a Latino MC is accepted by black audiences11. Here, Ogbar contradicts Rivera’s study about the relationship between African Americans and the Puerto Ricans who states that, these relationships are always strained.Advertising Looking for book review on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Ogbar does not go into details about the Asian American artist in hip-hop considering that they are not popular in this genre of music. One wonders how they represent themselves in this kind of art that is largely seen as ‘black’ in a society that looks at it in this narrow perspective let alone being accepted by its followers as real. Ogbar dedicates most of his discussion on this chapter on how white MCs try to fit in the hip-hop culture with all its stereotypes. He concludes that, they manage to negotiate this rough terrain amid responses of ‘intolerable violation’ and gives an example of Eminem in his early performances which he used words such as â€Å"nigga† but they eventually become accepted amid grudgingly12. On the gender front, Ogbar discusses the good and bad images of women in hip-hop,13 by showing the perceptions people have on female MCs who display an image of either extreme soft femininity of ‘tom boy’ picture who wants to be like the boys in this trade 14. The hip-hop culture brings out a diverse category of women who either are performers, actors or models for the hip-hop culture, but in all this women have to face strong force to contend with in marketing themselves as rappers15. This is all glued to the society’s perspective of the whole culture. Ogbar has been criticized by Johnson for his apparent oversimplification of this topic in his discussion. Johnson says that he fails to look at the uncertainties that come with video modeling for women and its implications and he also fails to answer the question of whether it has the potential to result into its future. It is also true that he would have at least given some insight into how these women are faring, and whether like their male counterparts a sign of success exists for them and whether we can look at women in hip-hop as viably marketable. He could also have given examples of their struggles to be accepted into this culture and the ir insight into the society’s view of them as a lost cause or women who want to be like their male counterparts instead of celebrating femininity in their works. Ogbar calls his fourth chapter in his work â€Å"Rebels with a cause: Gangstas, militants, Media, and the Contest for Hip-Hop†16 to show the misunderstandings that the society has about this form of art. The society displays an unfounded moral panic over hip-hop according to Ogbar, while all this time what it should address is the culture war and hypocrisies highlighted by this art. Hip-hop has raised a lot of attention mainly not because of the issues addressed but because of its supposed contribution to the downfall of today’s youths due to the indecency it displays. While Ogbar chooses to say that it is a culture of war and a lack of willingness to understand on the part of the society, I find some of the rap songs really deserving of the society’s wrath due to the content of the rhymes and vi deos that they contain. Vulgar language and dances, however, blind the society, can easily corrupt the youths especially those that have other underlying social problems. 17Ogbar, however, uses statistics to argue his point on the influence of hip-hop on youths by citing increasing graduate degrees, drop in teenage pregnancies in the last two decades and increased political awareness among the youths. Here, he wants to challenge the view that black youths are passive and uncritical listeners to national issues affecting them. Again, Ogbar fails to link clearly these statistics to the influence of rap music and the irony of their critics can also not credit bad influence of rap on the social problems the youths have been having18. The last chapter, â€Å"Locked Up: police, the Prison Industrial Complex, Black Youth, and Social Control†, Ogbar discusses the changing trends in the lyrics of rap music. He offers a strong criticism about the stories that portrays blacks as cop kil lers, but fails to look at the underlying issues in violence not only between the police and blacks but also those involving blacks and blacks19. He discusses the protests on court cases involving blacks and the role of black music labels in putting pressure on such cases as they involve blacks and police officers. He says this trend of rap creations changed to black people killing other black people and eventually the focus was shifted to the prison environment, but still talks about the gangster code of honor20. This has had the impact of society changing the focus on social political debate in regard to the realities that black people face, as these forces change. In this chapter Ogbar demonstrates how the social political changes in America are looked at within the confines of black stereotypes as portrayed in hip-hop culture and that is how revolution has occurred21 The book in a wider context While Ogbar represents a lot of experience about hip –hop culture in this book , he gives a somehow one sided story, on the artists and their fans point of view, and fails to do an analysis of what a cross sectional group of people may view this culture. He does not also seem to remove himself completely from the play of the lyrics of rap music and the truth it represents. He focuses on what the artists say in the lyrics and fails to look at the production on its whole. What the artists say in their music may not be what they are. While it is true that the gangster rappers may be forced to live their work due to the demands of their fans and the culture itself, and the fact that what they sing is the real situation, it still has a lot of room for creativity and play. He gives an example of such rappers who grew up in the lower income bracket and families in the inner city slums but, now live in fairly stable families and neighborhoods and have college degrees yet their rap presentations are those of gangsters. An example of this outside Ogbars book is Snoopy D oggy Dog, who is doing really well but still his music has gangster connotations. However, it would be paradoxical if Ogbar was to imply that these rappers cannot be some other people in the society while at the same time doing their gangster raps and this is where lyrical analysis really brings problems. This is the reason some scholars have gone beyond lyrical analysis to focus on field work, archival research and critical cultural analysis of impacts of hip-hop22. Ogbar manages in this book to give an overview of the development of rap music and hip-hop culture especially in the last fifteen years. This brings to life the expressions and experiences of a particular group of young people in our country, who through rap music express their views on a wide variety of issues ranging from congressional hearings, controversial artists, cultural issues and conflicts and political issues with boldness and incisiveness. This boldness surrounds the need to talk about prominent controversie s about race, class and gender. This controversy is displayed very well by male artists such as Jay-Z, Lil Wayne and 50 Cents whose origins in poor, urban environments are the real controversy. If one does not display these three bones of contention their being â€Å"real† is questioned23. Ogbar says in a later interview with a library website, Rorotoko that he got inspiration for this book from his experience and love for hip-hop since he was young, he tried rapping and break dancing while at the same time, he did hip-hop graffiti tagging. This is expended as he eventually became a scholar of history especially in the field of African American studies and hip-hop. Major criticism for his works on rap music and its influence on the society has been on the influence of its violent and vulgar lyrics on the youth especially the African American youth. He uses raw data from government agencies to show that in 2005, black youth high school graduate rate was record high despite the ir being highest consumers of hip-hop even though they are not majority consumers of rap music24. He also cites the 2006 educational achievement gap between blacks and whites being the narrowest of all time and this trend has been maintained. He also gives statistics of the dropping cases of teenage pregnancies with the 2005 being the lowest in history. In the civic awareness and participation, he says that the 2002 midterm elections saw the number of black 18-29 year old youth voters being highest among the white, Latino and Asian American in the country. In terms of crime, he cites the 2004 ever low black homicide rates at its least from 1940s25. The major problem as Ogbar says, facing African American people is the prison industrial complex which has the highest number of inmates than in any other country. African American forms the majority in these prisons making up nearly half of those incarcerated. In regard to this, the last chapter is devoted to discussing the stories that emerge from these institutions which are better represented through hip-hop and show how they affect not only black people and their families but also on the whole society. This is demonstrated in the art form through rappers posing behind bars, playing music videos in prison environments and making hip-hop magazines available in prisons. The main aim of this chapter as Ogbar states is to offer new perspectives on the discussions on the culture of hip-hop and show the main aim of the book itself which is to focus on the main debates in the public domain26. Ogbar says that his main aim of the book is not to engage those in the hip-hop debates, he wanted to give voice to the center of the debate; the rappers who eloquently criticize those involved in the maligning debate of hip-hop. The book looks at the hip-hop groups and what their views on the culture, and what the reality of life is. It gives space to groups such as Jurassic 5, Roots and Mos Def who has developed their own standar ds on what hip-hop is all about and which is far from other commercial rappers such as Lil Wayne, 50 Cent and young Jeezy. All these contribute to the discussion of what social issues are to them. Conclusion Ogbar, in this book explores the culture and politics of hip-hop debate while at the same time giving a wide historic context and use of references from other works to present his analysis. He looks at rappers who have made a mark in the society while at the same time being successful and their contributions. He also looks at the policies, activism, race, gender, class and intellectual contribution to the hip-hop culture. This is presented in a manner that is easy to understand for all people in order to gain a deeper understanding of what really this is, and its diversity in the American society. This will also give those who do not understand hip-hop and understanding into the range of expressions among rapper artists. Ogbar, also gives an account of history that is geared tow ards drawing a parallel between Harlem renaissance that happened in the 1920s and the hip-hop revolution which he hopes will be used in the exploration of gender, class and race issues in future. This is also gives a good exploration of the historical debates focusing on African Americans on the socio-economic and demographic fronts in the last forty years especially in regard to young people. This, however, does not go down criticized as by some scholars say that he should move from lyrical analysis due to its limitations to include field work, research and analysis of cultural aspects touching on hip-hop and its impacts. Works Cited Anderson, Elijah. Code of the Street: Decency, Violence, and the Moral Life of the Inner  City. New York: W. W. Norton Company, 2000. Bynoe, Yvonne. Encyclopedia of Rap and Hip Hop Culture. USA: Greenwood Press,  2006. Cobb, William. To the Breakof Dawn: A Freestyle on the Hip Hop Aesthetics. New  York: New York Universtiy Press, 2006. Forman, M urray and Mark Neal. Thats the joint: the hip-hop studies reader. United  States of America: Routledge, 2004. Johnson, Imani. â€Å"Review of Ogbar, Jeffrey Ogbonna Green, Hip-Hop Revolution: The  Culture and Politics of Rap.† 2008. H-Net Reviews. 8 October 2011 Ogbar, Jeffrey. Black Power: Radical Politics and African American Identity. USA: JHU  Press, 2004. Ogbar, Jeffrey. On his book Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap. Washington: University Press of Kansas, 2009 Perkins, William. Dropping Science: Critical Essays on Rap Music and Hip Hop Culture.  USA: Temple University Press, 1996. Perry, Imani. Prophets of the Hood: Politics and Poetics in Hip Hop. USA: Duke  University Press, 2004. Potter, Russel. Spectacular vernaculars: hip-hop and the politics of postmodernism.  New York: SUNY Press, 1995. Rabaka, Reiland. Hip Hop’s Inheritance:From the Harlem Renaissance to the Hip Hop  Femin ist Movement. United States of America: Lexington Books, 2010. Rivera, Raquel. New York Ricans in the Hip-hop Zone. Unted States of America: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Romano, Renee. The civil irhts movement in American memory. United States of America: University of Georgia Press, 2004. Rose, Tricia. Black Noise: Rap Music and Black Culture in Contemporary America  (Music Culture). United States of America: Wesleyan, 1994. Rose, Tricia. The Hip Hop Wars: What We Talk About When We Talk About Hip Hop– and Why It Matters. United States of America: Basic Civitas Books, 2007. Footnotes 1 Perry, Imani. Prophets of the Hood: Politics and Poetics in Hip Hop (USA: DukeUniversity Press, 2004) 40. 2 Romano, Renee. The civil irhts movement in American memory (United States of  America: University of Georgia Press, 2004) 11. 3 Cobb, William. To the Breakof Dawn: A Freestyle on the Hip Hop Aesthetics (New  York: New York Universtiy Press, 2006) 102. 4Forman, Murray and Mark Neal. Th ats the joint: the hip-hop studies reader (United States of America: Routledge, 2004) 43. 5Potter, Russel. Spectacular vernaculars: hip-hop and the politics of postmodernism (New York: SUNY Press, 1995) 25. 6 Forman and Neal 17. 7 Bynoe, Yvonne. Encyclopedia of Rap and Hip Hop Culture (USA: Greenwood Press,  2006) 186. 8 Ogbar, Jeffrey. Black Power: Radical Politics and African American Identity (USA: JHU Press, 2004) 89. 9 Anderson, Elijah. Code of the Street: Decency, Violence, and the Moral Life of the Inner City (New York: W. W. Norton Company, 2000) 18. 10 Ogbar, Jeffrey. On his book Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap. (Washington: University Press of Kansas, 2009)152. 11 Ogbar, Jeffrey. On his book Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap. (Washington: University Press of Kansas, 2009) 153 12 Ogbar, Jeffrey. On his book Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap. (Washington: University Press of Kansas, 2009) 66. 13 Ogbar, Jeffrey. On hi s book Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap. (Washington: University Press of Kansas, 2009) 103. 14 Perkins, William. Dropping Science: Critical Essays on Rap Music and Hip Hop Culture (USA: Temple University Press, 1996) 205. 15Ogbar, Jeffrey. On his book Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap. (Washington: University Press of Kansas, 2009) 98. 16 Ogbar, Jeffrey. On his book Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap. (Washington: University Press of Kansas, 2009) 103. 17 Rabaka, Reiland. Hip Hop’s Inheritance:From the Harlem Renaissance to the Hip Hop Feminist Movement (United States of America: Lexington Books, 2010) 12. 18 Rose, Tricia. Black Noise: Rap Music and Black Culture in Contemporary America (Music Culture) (United States of America: Wesleyan, 1994) 14. 19 Ogbar, Jeffrey. On his book Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap. (Washington: University Press of Kansas, 2009)153. 20 Ogbar, Jeffrey. On his book Hip-Hop Re volution: The Culture and Politics of Rap. (Washington: University Press of Kansas, 2009) 156. 21Rose 14. 22 Anderson 29. 23 Rose, The Hip Hop Wars: What We Talk About When We Talk About Hip Hop–and Why It Matters 19. 24 Romano 24 25Forman and Neal 49. 26 Potter 20. This book review on Jeffrey O.G. Ogbar, Hip-Hop Revolution: The Culture and Politics of Rap was written and submitted by user Cannon Ortega to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Immigrant Experienes essays

Immigrant Experienes essays Article Review Letters from an American Farmer In this Article the Farmer wants to know the feeling of an Englishman when he first time set foot in America. The main reason the Englishman Have come to America is due to the condition prevailing in England .These refuges are coming to very modern society which is free from lords, Bishops, Kings courts etc. No one in the society has the at most power to rule one and all. In short everyone in the society has the right to live their lives in the manner they wish to. He compares medieval England to America, in England a person traveling by road would see hostel castle and haughty mansion which suggest the power in few hands in contrast in America small clay built hut and miserable cabin, where cattle and me live together. All This suggest the simplicity of those times. The Farmer regards his society as the most perfect in the world in which men are free and equal. The refuges have come from all over Europe but over the period of time these mixture of people will become new breed of p eople know as American. The farmer wonder that these refuges who have come from countries where they had nothing of their own can they call England or any kingdom as their own Country. In America these refuges would be reborn they would follow new laws, new mode of living, new social system. In their country of birth they were just know as mere poor people who were good for nothing but in America they would be proud citizen. The farmer also talks about the attachment these European emigrants have towards America. All these people left behind their ancient prejudices and started excepting the new mode of life, the new government and started obeying the law of the land. This new country has given them land; bread, protection and consequently all emigrants have just one motto ubi patria. Here individuals of all different countries are melted into a new race of people, whose labor a...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Managerial Communication Report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Managerial Communication Report - Term Paper Example The Social Media as a Management Tool in the Business Environment Managerial Communication Report To: From: Subject: Date: The social media are one of the technological advancements in a business environment. Although during its advent, many companies could not hide their criticism over the negative effect that the social media had on the business environment. The report will consider the evil and the ethical of the social media on any business environment. Social Medias such as Facebook, Twitter and various company intranets have been a valuable link among employees of a company. These Medias have also been the best marketing media that reach the various groups of consumers. Various companies agree that they help in the maintenance of communication among employees. The description of the nature of communication is an honest one; this allows employees to know more about one other. The aim for a good communication in any company is to create an interconnected, work place. A good worki ng environment for employees motivates them to be productive. ... an urgent announcement to its employees, the most appropriate means will be to post the notice in the company’s intranet, and the other way would be to post the notification in the company’s space, in any social network. The scope of doing this is that employees who visit the space will get the message, and because of the good relation that exists, among the employees, the notice gets to be passed to the other employees. This means of communication would be better than writing a memo to each department in the sense that the time used to deliver the memos is saved; the company also saves the misuse of its papers on printed notices. This means of communication can be facilitated using a computer or the advance mobile handset. This is easy for any management because the heads of departments could also get the chance to have a control of the company from any place. A clear example would be for a manager who wishes to know what his employees are up to at any given time can j ust log into the social network site, and keep track of the thoughts and action of his/her employees. D’ Angelo examines that the social media is one way that companies have employed to interact with their customer and stakeholders. Companies have also employed social media managers to manage the media existence. Various studies show it is not the leading companies alone that use the social media as a means of communication but rather in the year 2008 to 2009 there was an increase in the use of social media by the small businesses (D’ Angelo, 2010). D’ Angelo exerts that the use of the social media is crucial in the promotion of Brand identity, management, a company can employ a social site manager with its main activity being to create the company’s brand identity and market it online. D’

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How to Write the Essay Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How to Write the Essay - Term Paper Example Two different types of prewriting are free writing and clustering. Free writing is the process by which a writer picks up pen and paper and just starts writing about all the different thoughts, concepts, and ideas that come into their head in regards to their particular topic. This may or may not cause the writer to drift slightly off topic at times, as thoughts of one subject may lead to thoughts of another, however, that may also serve to strengthen their particular paper, or give the writer a slant by which they want to use to address the particular topic at hand. Clustering is another form of prewriting; it involves the use of a doodle, or a diagram, in which the primary topic is the central, or primary, circle. Once the primary circle has been created, the writer will then take lines and draw additional circles as connected to the primary circle with all of the words they associate with that particular topic. For example, the topic of cars may have circles going off to technical specs, history, and so on; each of those circles would then have additional lines going off of them with their own circles and so on. A high school diploma is important to my future because it will ensure that I have the necessary educational requirements to get my start in life. My diploma will allow me to gain access to the college of my choice, which will get me that much further to my career goals. While I am studying and working towards attaining my career goals, my high school diploma will allow me to get my start in the workforce, as most jobs nowadays require, at a minimum, a high school diploma. A job of my own will work to ensure my financial independence, and work towards my other goals of being a fully independent and self-sustaining individual.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Specific Heat Capacity of Water and Metal Lab Report

The Specific Heat Capacity of Water and Metal - Lab Report Example The temperature of 500 ml of water in a beaker was measured before a warm heater connected to power supply was dipped in the beaker. After 10 minutes of heating and constant stirring of water, the power supply was switched off, and water temperature measured. The same procedure was repeated for a period of 15 minutes. The results were recorded in table 1. The temperature of aluminium block was recorded before a heater connected to a power supply was used to heat the block for a period of 8 minutes. The above procedure was repeated using Copper block and the results were recorded in table 2. The experimental specific heat capacity of water was 4785 JKg-1 oC-1 while the literature value was 4187 JKg-1 oC-1. Therefore, the percentage error for water was calculated using the formula: % Error= |Experimental value-Theoretical value| Ãâ€"100 The specific heat capacity of water determined in this experiment had a numerical value of 4785  ± 263 JKg-1 oC-1 while that of aluminium and copper were 1278 and 545 JKg-1 oC-1, respectively. The standard (literature) specific heat capacities of water, aluminium and copper are 4187, 900 and 386 JKg-1 oC-1, respectively (Table of specific heats). The obtained values were more than the literature values. The anomalies observed between these values were probably due to random errors in the experimental procedures e.g. the loss of heat to the surrounding and the presence of impurities in the water hence leading to an increase in the boiling points. Systematic errors could be due to the weights of the metal blocks and temperature readings as well as fluctuations in pressure. In future experiments, loss of energy to the surroundings could be avoided by using more energy to heat the water for it to attain the required temperature. In addition, water with higher levels of purity can be u sed in the experiments so that the effect of impurities on

Friday, November 15, 2019

The View That Transnational Corporations Are Footloose Economics Essay

The View That Transnational Corporations Are Footloose Economics Essay Introduction For decades, business has existed in almost every country around the world; regardless of what industries those businesses belong to. Whether it is agriculture, finance, food and beverage, service, etc., it all started long before modern businesses were established. As of today, we can see that various corporations exist in every country around the world, regardless of name, type and the size of it. There are about 23,343,821 corporations in the US alone (U.S. Census Bureau, 2002), which still is where the majority of companies come from. These corporations all adopt different structures, all the more complex when they expand their operations to foreign countries. According to Dicken (2007), there are 4 types of TNC organisations which are Multinational, International, Global and Integrated Network. Each type serves different functions for the company; so depending on the businesses the company is involved, the organisation culture and the decision making of top management, companies adopt the one type that suits them the best. Examples of TNC organisations are such as Microsoft, Toyota and Samsung. These TNCs started off as small organisations within their own domestic countries and have been very successful domestically. Once they dominated their domestic markets, market share was no longer sufficient to satisfy their growing desire for increase market share and profits. This resulted in them moving their businesses into foreign markets and expanded their business scope globally, which began with exports and then FDI as they could exploit differences in costs in those countries. We can now see that these TNCs exist not only in a few countries but some even have developed to numerous countries and markets. These transnational corporations are deemed as companies that have supremacy to coordinate and control operations in more than one country, even if it does not own them (Dicken, 2007). According to BBC, TNCs are massive firms that conduct their businesses in several countries and some are wealthier compa red to less developed countries. ( There is an ongoing debate on the issue of whether TNCs are actually that powerful to be considered footloose. Footloose is defined as mobility of companies moving in and out of countries if they find it attractive in terms of market or resources opportunities. Market opportunities are such as consumers, governments regulations, number of competitors, etc. Resource opportunities on the other hand, are like labour costs, raw materials availability and technology accessibility. In this task, a detailed assessment on TNCs and their operations will be done to help determine the fact on whether TNCs are footloose or not. Findings TNCs are Footloose Profits Labour costs TNCs open up operations in foreign countries according to geographic matters which benefits to them. In a certain extent to this, I agree that TNCs are footloose. Based on the example of Nestlà ©, we can assume that TNCs are footloose. Nestlà © was established in Switzerland, a small country where market size is not as large as in US or UK. Today, Nestlà © is one of the leading food and beverage manufacturers in the world (Food Engineering Magazine, 2010). After 5 months of its establishment, it started manufacturing outside of Switzerland. It did not export its products to other countries because of its companys mentality to always produce locally rather than exporting. Thus, it conducted FDI and built manufacturing plants in foreign countries such as US (Appendix 1). As TNCs are capitalist where profit is key for them (Dicken, 2007), TNCs like Nestlà © expanded globally to increase profits, market share and brand equity. Besides market opportunities, Nestlà © also built a plan t in China to take opportunities on its low labour costs in 2007 (Appendix 2). Both points to two broad categories of motivation for companies to engage in transactional operations which are market and asset orientated (Dicken, 2007). Market factors are size, structure and accessibility (Dicken, 2007). Asset factors point to knowledge and skill, wage costs, labour productivity, labour controllability and labour mentality (Dicken, 2007). This applies to Nestlà © due to its company culture, where it hails from Switzerland. Its history points to Nestlà © utilising its strong brand equity and financial structure to negotiate its way into foreign countries (Nestlà ©, 2010), also by offering improvements to infrastructure and job opportunities to the locals. According to IMF (2001), with entrance of TNCs into countries, this will create jobs for unskilled workers as they have difficulty in searching jobs, moving their social class from lower class to middle class. Internal competences Hymer (1960) stated that domestic companies always had advantage over foreign firms as they understood the environment better; but foreign companies could out-compete domestic companies based on firm-specific assets such as firm size, economies of scale, etc (Dicken, 2007). Companies like HSBC started out domestically but soon built up its brand name globally which was used as an advantage to move into countries and compete with their domestic firms. It currently operates in more than 60 countries and is one of the leading banks in the world (Appendix 3). Dunning (1980) suggested that firms like HSBC engaged in transactional production was due to it having ownership-specific advantages not possessed by competitors such as knowledge, technology, etc., where it internalised these advantages and keeping it secret from competitors; also because of location-specific factors, some of these advantages has to be used in certain locations (Dicken, 2007), for example, they have strong human re sources (HSBC Finance, 2009) and can use it to train the labour from China about their operations, transferring knowledge as well as saving labour costs simultaneously. This benefits both HSBC and China as the company gains in terms of cost saving while China earns new knowledge regarding how to conduct banking and utilise it for their domestic banks later. Access to markets WTO is one of the main reasons why TNCs are considered as footloose, such as the deregulation of the financial services in 2001. This is because WTO discovered the benefits outweighed the risk of doing so. By allowing foreign banks to enter domestic markets, it could help strengthen the financial systems in those developing countries, such as by improving the quality and efficiency of financial services. Although domestic banks suffer through the sudden increase of competition, customers gain as banks reduce interest rates and are also provide a wider range of services to customers. These benefits however depended on how it was timed with other financial reformations such as domestic financial deregulation and capital account liberalisation. In the case of the EU, internationalisation can actually support domestic deregulation (Appendix 4). Nevertheless, internationalisation is not fully dependant on other financial reformations; it could still help in stabilising capital flows as we ll as the financial sector of a country. Lastly, governments still need to set up regulations for foreign banks although the industry was deregulated, as this could control their operations to a certain extent. Thus, with all these, the phenomenon of international banks such as HSBC entering different foreign market has been gradually increasing, as long the regulations set for them are complied. Generally, TNCs help foreign countries gain job opportunities and improve growth for industries. For example, the banking industries in less developed countries like Vietnam are getting more competent due to threat of foreign banks entering the country (IFC, 2009). Both domestic banks and government will benefit from this as banks have to improve their services while governments earn the taxes paid by TNCs to boost growth of the country (John Madeley, 2003). Besides liberalisation increasing competition between domestic and foreign firms, competition between governments exists as well. Certain countries around the world loosened their regulations in order to attract foreign investments into the countries (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD, 2008). These countries are mainly developing countries as they require the economy boosts. This is done by lowering tax rates as incentives for TNCs to enter. As governments compete, this inadvertently increases TNCs footloose cause they have choices of entering and exiting countries that are desperately fighting over their entrance. TNCs are NOT Footloose Costs Some empirical studies has classified TNCs are more footloose compared to domestic companies, meaning that they are more prone to leaving an industry compared to a domestic firms of the same size. (Gà ¶rg and Strobl, 2003; Bernard and Sjà ¶holm, 2003; and Van Beveren, 2007) The exit process is slowed down though, by TNCs abundance in sources of income. Added by the fact that TNCs are less knowledgeable about the business environment and have to encounter unexpected barriers, they can afford to make losses initially and try to claw back those losses. Unless the losses are too much and hard to bear; only then these TNCs decide to leave the country. Therefore, it is debatable that TNCs are not as footloose as people think they are. Government Technology

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Great Depression :: American History, Maycomb

It is a foggy window located in the soul through gained experiences that sees prejudice. It does not only influence and revolute sight, rather affects thought and actions. Everyone is given the opportunity to look out the window, but not all can see beyond the fogginess. The fog may be a mixture of race, gender, beliefs or behaviours. The major themes in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird relates back to presumptions and biases; the rich rejecting the poor because of their economic level of life in the Great Depression, whites discriminating against blacks, and people gossiping innocents which result a weak foundation and an unpleasing relation among the Maycomb’s society causing undeveloped individuals to live in an unsafe environment. The Great Depression caused the poor to become poorer while the rich were not affected as much. Some of the rich, such as Aunt Alexandra, misunderstood people because of their economic life. Her different point of view is clearly displayed when she rejects Walter Cunningham, a poor boy, saying, â€Å"...they're good folks. But they're not our kind of folks" (Lee 224). Aunt Alexandra, believing that the Cunninghams are beneath the Finches’ economic level, ignores Scout’s aspect of friendship toward Walter disliking him "because-he-is-trash" (Lee 224). She is regardless of the Cunninghams’ hard work to pay back Atticus in â€Å"the only way [they could]† (Lee 21). Aunt Alexandra results negatively on Walter making him dislike of being a Cunningham, on Scout by decreasing from her relations with her classmates and friends, and on Maycomb by developing an unsafe society for country folks to leave because they have to deal with unnecessary factors like money to avoid the rich prejudices. Maycomb is known guilty for its racist atmosphere where blacks are lower than the whites. However, not all of the white community discriminated black. For example, Atticus stands up for Tom Robinson regardless of Mrs. Dubose’s hurtful words saying Atticus is â€Å"no better than the n*ggers and trash he works for!† (Lee 102) It is obvious that Atticus is one of the most reliable and honourable citizens of Maycomb. Mrs. Dubose’s evaluation on Atticus results negatively on other neighbours and clearly hurts Calpurnia’s feelings. An example of this racial prejudice is found Scout’s words saying that â€Å"[Tom is] just a Negro† (Lee 199). Scout’s words are evidences to the unsafe society for kids to develop. Another example is found while Aunt Alexandra is convincing Atticus to dismiss Calpurnia, although Atticus tells her that â€Å"Calpurnia’s not leaving this house until she wants to† (Lee 137).