Thursday, September 3, 2020

Biology Suffixes Phagia and Phage

Science Suffixes Phagia and Phage Comprehend additions Phagia and Phage that are utilized in science with this accommodating aide.  ​ Science Suffix Phagia With Examples The addition (- phagia) alludes to the demonstration of eating or gulping. Related additions incorporate (- phage), (- phagic), and (- phagy). Here are models: Aerophagia (air phagia): the demonstration of gulping inordinate measures of air. This can prompt stomach related framework inconvenience, swelling, and intestinal agony. Allotriophagia (allo-trio-phagia): a turmoil that includes the impulse to eat non-food substances. Otherwise called pica, this propensity is now and again connected with pregnancy, chemical imbalance, mental impediment, and strict functions. Amylophagia (amylo-phagia): the impulse to eat over the top measures of starch or nourishments wealthy in sugars. Aphagia (a-phagia): the loss of the capacity to swallow, normally connected with an ailment. It a can likewise mean refusal to swallow or powerlessness to eat. Dysphagia (dys-phagia): troublesomely in gulping, commonly connected with the ailment. Omophagia (omo-phagia): the demonstration of eating crude meat. Postfix Phage Bacteriophage (bacterio-phage): an infection that contaminates and wrecks microscopic organisms. Otherwise called phages, these infections regularly just taint a particular strain of microscopic organisms. Macrophage (full scale phage): a huge white platelet that immerses and pulverizes microscopic organisms and other remote substances in the body. The procedure by which these substances are disguised, separated, and discarded is known as phagocytosis. Microphage (miniaturized scale phage): a little white platelet known as a neutrophil that is fit for pulverizing microorganisms and other remote substances by phagocytosis. Mycophage (myco-phage): a creature that benefits from growths or an infection that contaminates parasites. Prophage (ace phage): viral, bacteriophage qualities that have been embedded into the bacterial chromosome of a contaminated bacterial cell by hereditary recombination. Postfix Phagy being used Adephagy (ade-phagy): alluding to avaricious or extreme eating. Adephagia was the Greek goddess of ravenousness and eagerness. Coprophagy (copro-phagy): the demonstration of eating excrement. This is regular among creatures, particularly bugs. Geophagy (geo-phagy):  the demonstration of eating earth or soil substances, for example, mud. Monophagy (mono-phagy):  the taking care of a creature on a solitary kind of food source. A few bugs, for instance, will just benefit from a particular plant. (Ruler caterpillars just feed on milkweed plants.) Oligophagy (oligo-phagy): benefiting from few explicit food sources. Oophagy (Oo-phagy): conduct showed by undeveloped organisms of benefiting from female gametes (eggs). This happens in certain sharks, fish, creatures of land and water, and snakes.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Creatine in Athletes Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Creatine in Athletes As an ever increasing number of individuals are playing proficient, university and secondary school sports each year (Debate), the opposition for playing time has gotten progressively warmed. Most male competitors in any games nowadays are searching for any kind of edge that they can get over the individuals who are battling for a similar spot they are. These fights for playing time become so warmed that these children are eager to attempt pretty much anything to win. Most children are not ready to take a stab at anything illicit like steroids, however something fundamentally the same as steroids is an enhancement called creatine. Creatine is currently the most broadly utilized enhancement in sports today (Debate). The game that creatine is most ordinarily utilized in at any level is football. The explanation behind this is on the grounds that creatine is best when the muscles are utilized for a short 6 seconds, at that point a long 45 second rest. The timeframe of utilizing muscles for 6 seconds and afterward resting for 45 seconds is firmly identified with a football match-up where the players run a play, at that point get the opportunity to rest until the following play is called. At the expert degree of football, most groups are permitted to take creatine, however a few groups are have restricted the utilization of it in light of the fact that nobody realize the drawn out impacts yet (Actions and Effects). Creatine has become so generally utilized on account of its endorsers. Shannon Sharpe, who played for the Denver Broncos and the Baltimore Ravens, is paid sponsor and endorser. Sharpe claims that creatine has had a major influence in his prosperity regardless of what any other individual says. I couldn't care less in the event that you get five PhD's, I couldn't care less in the event that you get seven quality and molding mentors to reveal to me in any case, Sharpe told ESPN. I trust it works for me. Shannon Sharpe isn't the main football playe... doing combating for playing time in sports, the more frantic the games will get the opportunity to win that spot. At the point when competitors get urgent, they are eager to have a go at whatever may help their odds of playing (Debate). Works Cited â€Å"Actions and Effects of Creatine.† 2003. 5 October 2004. <>. â€Å"Creatine Supplements.† 2002. Your Orthopedic Connection. 6 October 2004. < ts%20%2F%20Exercise>. â€Å"Debate Surrounds Use of Muscle Supplement Creatine.† 2004. Web MD Health. 4 October 2004. <>. Martinez, Mark. â€Å"Creatine a Bigger Body.† 2004. The College Student Site.Com. 5 October 2004. <>.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Mentally Ill In Jail Essays - Mental Health,

Intellectually sick in prison The articles illuminate that more intellectually sick individuals are in prison than in emergency clinics. As indicated by measurements 159,000 of intellectually sick are directly imprisoned in correctional facilities and jails, generally of wrongdoings submitted in light of the fact that they were not being dealt with. Some of them become fierce and may threaten their families and neighborhoods. Disastrously, the greater part of those occasions of imprisonment are superfluous. We recognize what to do, however for monetary, lawful and ideological reasons, we neglect to do it. The deinstitutionalisation of the seriously intellectually sick in the 60ties qualifies an as one of the biggest social trials in American history. In 1995, there were 558,239 seriously intellectually sick patients in the countries open mental emergency clinics. In 1995, the number has been diminished to 71,619. The deinstitutionalization made a dysfunctional behavior emergency by releasing individuals from clinics without guaranteeing that they get prescription and restoration benefits in the network. Thusly, 2.2million seriously intellectually sick don't get any mental treatment. Mental patients were discharged from mental clinic in the conviction that allowing them to live in a more liberated condition was progressively others conscious and would improve their prosperity. Rather, they turned up in detainment facilities where they are basically without pride and need satisfactory treatment and comprehension. In addition, regardless of whether they take drugs and may show signs of improvement in prison, there is no assurance that they will proceed with the treatment after they are discharged into the networks. Thus the endless loop goes on. The answer for the issue is to give adequate subsidizing to the network based psychological well-being framework so individuals would benefit from outside assistance before they become some portion of the jail framework. Administrations like drug treatment and observing, private administrations, restoration administrations and bolster administrations are effective in taking the seriously intellectually sick back to networks. Generally speaking, network administrations are additionally more affordable. Rather, we see psychological well-being organizations being shut and deprived of their financial plans. Thus the intellectually sick have no spot to go for treatment and backing. As indicated by the article When prisons must treat and rebuff in the September 4, Plain Dealer The Director of Ohio Department of Mental Health, Mike Hogan doesn't feel that the area has an issue with the intellectually sick. He accepts the greater part of them have been effectively coordinated in the public eye, and differs that many have been imprisoned. How helpful for Mr. Hogan. Obviously, such unrealistic reasoning doesn't help the thousands who notwithstanding experiencing psychological instability experience the ill effects of the shameful social framework too. Congressperson Mike DeWine (R) and Democrat Ted Strickland are chipping away at advancing government enactment that would support a pilot court program to guide intellectually sick detainees to treatment offices rather than prison. They need all our help.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Physician Patient Relationship Essay - 275 Words

Physician Patient Relationship (Essay Sample) Content: Physician patient relationshipIntroductionEvery professional body and organization has work ethics (Moeller, 2009). These ethics are used to primarily to guide persons within respective bodies and organization work to desired standards and ensure healthy relationship with their client and customers. Never the less, within the medical field physicians are not left alone as they too within their work jurisdiction are regulated by organization ethics and standards.The physician and the patientPhysicians possess specialized knowledge that encompasses dutiful obligations for physicians to serve patients to their best interest (Bloch et al, 1999). This specialized knowledge includes confidentially which forms the core pillar for a healthy relationship between a physician and a patient. Similarly, there is an imbalance of power between a patient and a physician that builds a gap and forms the basis for a healthy onset of a relationship. The relationship that exists between a physician and a patient is publicly professed by the physician as they are the ones in a professional field (synder, 2003). On the case where a physician is treating an illness or preventing it, the sole primary goal is for the physician to promote the interest of the patient. This is regardless of the social status of the patient or the setting of the health care.Importance of physician à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬patient relationshipA good doctor-patient relationship through effective communication is able to aid in regulating patients emotions, allow and pave way for better diagnosis through identification of patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s needs, perception and the overall expectation (Desselle and Zgarrick, 2005). This significance is obtained at the beginning of the treatment where a relationship is established. The professionalism of the Physician allows for the capability of realizing the patients concerns, problems, goals and finally the expectations at the end of the treatment session. The Relation ship created between the doctor and the patient is an optimal clinical function that necessitates the outcome of the treatment (Vincent, 2011). Effective interpersonal relationship, involvement of patients in decision making and the ideal notion of information exchange form the major objectives of physician patient relationship. Nevertheless, patients who have an excellent communication with their doctors ultimately end up being satisfied with their health care (Vincent, 2011). On the same note, such patients end up sharing and opening up to vital and personal information that they would otherwise have hidden. Similarly this vital information aids in the accurate and effective diagnosis of and essential makes patients to strictly follow their prescribed medication.Research studies done has also shown that excellent physician patient relationship brings a sense of control and the subsequent ability to tolerate pain, a relatively growth related illnesses (Notle and McKee, 2008). The understanding of patient doctor relationship essentially ensures that ethical standards are followed through the main stream of professionalism. This relationship has also lead to a significant decrease in the duration of hospital stay and this therefore leads yet again to less referrals. The effects of a good professional relationship between a doctor and a patient is profound and notably cuts down on patient individual cost of based on medical visit as this mode of relationship leads to accurate diagnosis of problem which leads to proper treatment and thereafter patient doctor satisfaction (Meerabeau and Wright, 2011). Ideally, a more and patient centered illness diagnosis and treatment leads to patient doctor satisfaction. Nevertheless satisfied patients do not file for complaints or related cases.Patients who note that their doctors have a care kind of nature towards them and their health tend to be more open (Chamberlain, 2013). Not only are they open but they feel free to d isclose personal information that significantly makes doctors, in this case physicians understand the agony their patients are going through. This can only be achieved if there is an effective mode of communication and relationship between a doctor and a patient. One special relationship that a patient and a physician have is the ethical principle of confidentially (Williams, 2012). This aspect is ensures that information given to a physician by a patient is not unless under strict and specified circumstance to be shared to anyone else. Once this ethical principle is established, thereafter a good relationship is fostered between the patient and the physician.ConclusionDoctor-patient communication is a skill that involves both c... Physician Patient Relationship Essay - 275 Words Physician Patient Relationship (Essay Sample) Content: Physician patient relationshipIntroductionEvery professional body and organization has work ethics (Moeller, 2009). These ethics are used to primarily to guide persons within respective bodies and organization work to desired standards and ensure healthy relationship with their client and customers. Never the less, within the medical field physicians are not left alone as they too within their work jurisdiction are regulated by organization ethics and standards.The physician and the patientPhysicians possess specialized knowledge that encompasses dutiful obligations for physicians to serve patients to their best interest (Bloch et al, 1999). This specialized knowledge includes confidentially which forms the core pillar for a healthy relationship between a physician and a patient. Similarly, there is an imbalance of power between a patient and a physician that builds a gap and forms the basis for a healthy onset of a relationship. The relationship that exists between a physician and a patient is publicly professed by the physician as they are the ones in a professional field (synder, 2003). On the case where a physician is treating an illness or preventing it, the sole primary goal is for the physician to promote the interest of the patient. This is regardless of the social status of the patient or the setting of the health care.Importance of physician à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬patient relationshipA good doctor-patient relationship through effective communication is able to aid in regulating patients emotions, allow and pave way for better diagnosis through identification of patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s needs, perception and the overall expectation (Desselle and Zgarrick, 2005). This significance is obtained at the beginning of the treatment where a relationship is established. The professionalism of the Physician allows for the capability of realizing the patients concerns, problems, goals and finally the expectations at the end of the treatment session. The Relation ship created between the doctor and the patient is an optimal clinical function that necessitates the outcome of the treatment (Vincent, 2011). Effective interpersonal relationship, involvement of patients in decision making and the ideal notion of information exchange form the major objectives of physician patient relationship. Nevertheless, patients who have an excellent communication with their doctors ultimately end up being satisfied with their health care (Vincent, 2011). On the same note, such patients end up sharing and opening up to vital and personal information that they would otherwise have hidden. Similarly this vital information aids in the accurate and effective diagnosis of and essential makes patients to strictly follow their prescribed medication.Research studies done has also shown that excellent physician patient relationship brings a sense of control and the subsequent ability to tolerate pain, a relatively growth related illnesses (Notle and McKee, 2008). The understanding of patient doctor relationship essentially ensures that ethical standards are followed through the main stream of professionalism. This relationship has also lead to a significant decrease in the duration of hospital stay and this therefore leads yet again to less referrals. The effects of a good professional relationship between a doctor and a patient is profound and notably cuts down on patient individual cost of based on medical visit as this mode of relationship leads to accurate diagnosis of problem which leads to proper treatment and thereafter patient doctor satisfaction (Meerabeau and Wright, 2011). Ideally, a more and patient centered illness diagnosis and treatment leads to patient doctor satisfaction. Nevertheless satisfied patients do not file for complaints or related cases.Patients who note that their doctors have a care kind of nature towards them and their health tend to be more open (Chamberlain, 2013). Not only are they open but they feel free to d isclose personal information that significantly makes doctors, in this case physicians understand the agony their patients are going through. This can only be achieved if there is an effective mode of communication and relationship between a doctor and a patient. One special relationship that a patient and a physician have is the ethical principle of confidentially (Williams, 2012). This aspect is ensures that information given to a physician by a patient is not unless under strict and specified circumstance to be shared to anyone else. Once this ethical principle is established, thereafter a good relationship is fostered between the patient and the physician.ConclusionDoctor-patient communication is a skill that involves both c...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Why We Need An Urban County Government - 1080 Words

Why We Need an Urban County Government For too long this area has taken a back seat to the larger cities around us. We need to join the rest of the progressive regions in this state and establish a new, more efficient form of government. Pulaski County and the cities of Somerset, Science Hill, Ferguson, and Burnside need to merge together and create an urban county government. This will help to consolidate duplicate services, provide better representation for the citizens of Pulaski County, and strengthen the economy in this region. We live in a magnificent part of the state of Kentucky. We have picturesque landscapes, really pleasant residents, and a magnificent lake that supports a huge part of our economy through tourism.†¦show more content†¦As a result, it is possible for the citizens to vote to implement this type of government. Therefore, in April of 2013 the Somerset-Pulaski County United group formed and began the process of having feasibility studies done to see if the formation of an urban county government would be an alternative that would serve our area well. According to the Commonwealth Journal, a newspaper in Somerset, Kentucky, â€Å"A group of about 60 community leaders, clustered as Somerset-Pulaski County United (SPCU), is embarking on a study to determine if a consolidated or united government in Pulaski County would be more efficient and more responsive to the county’s 63,000 residents.† (Mardis and Shmidheiser). This group, a cross-section that well represents t he residents of this county, believes that the formation an urban county government is a great opportunity for all our futures. Unfortunately, the SPCU has faced much antagonism in this initial phase of work. Many current government leaders are afraid of what changes might do to their positions of power. But these same leaders are also the ones who create problems and allow current ones to continue. Having a council of peers will give a voice everyone in the area, not just the few who reside in the

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Vietnam War Was A Conflict - 951 Words

The Vietnam War was a conflict between the communist army of North Vietnam and the Viet Cong against South Vietnam began in 1954. The United States began their involvement in the Vietnam War by supporting the democratic South Vietnam with weapons and soldiers. Many Americans were divided due to opposition of the US involvement with the war. It was the era of social movements like mexican american social activism, and anti-Vietnam War activism. I have interviewed a Vietnam veteran named Ernie Sanchez that was willing to discuss his experiences and effects of the war. Many Chicanos like Ernie fought against fought against discrimination, fought to survive the war, and fought to recover from the war. The United States motive for involvement in the Vietnam War was to stop the spread of communism to other countries. By 1969, the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war was more than 500,000 U.S. military personnel. In 1975, the Vietnam War ended and the country was unified as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam the following year. Although, before the war finally ended; there was constant protesting from civilians that demanded to stop drafting of young men and to end the war. In the Chicano community, the Chicano Moratorium was formed to raise awareness of the Vietnam War as a civil rights issue. It was an open secret that Mexican-American casualties in Vietnam were coming in disproportionate number to their population -- 20%of the casualties when they comprised 10% of theShow MoreRelatedThe Vietnam War Was A Brutal Conflict1666 Words   |  7 Pages The Vietnam War was a brutal internal conflict between North and South Vietnam over the North s attempt to spread communism. Taking place between 1961 and 1975, it became America s second longest war. This battle destroyed countless villages, farmlands, forests, and neighboring countries of Vietnam. It took the lives of about two million Vietnamese soldiers and civilians, and over fifty-eight thousand American soldiers. In an effort to cease the spread of communism, many American troops wereRead MoreThe Vietnam War Was A Damaging Conflict1178 Words   |  5 PagesValean Professor William Mack U.S. History 2 16 April 2015 Vietnam War The Vietnam War was a damaging conflict that left deep scars on all the people and countries that were involved. About 60,000 American lives were taken and an estimated 2,000,000 Vietnamese were killed or wounded. That is about 10 percent of Vietnam’s population. Many bombs, weapons, and chemical warfare destroyed Vietnam’s infrastructure and land. Not only did this war bring destruction to Vietnam’s physical country, but it helpedRead MoreThe Vietnam War Was A Long And Costly Conflict1150 Words   |  5 Pages Causes if the Vietnam War Before WWII Vietnam belonged to the French Empire but during the war, it was taken over by the Japanese but since they were being defeated they retreated back to Japan. This gave the chance to the Vietnamese people to create their own government led by Ho Chi Minh but at the end of the war, the south was given back to the french while the north was led by the Chinese, who was not communist at the time, so Ho Chi Minh lost all his power. When the Chinese pulled out in 1946Read MoreThe Vietnam War Was A Long Lasting Conflict Essay1814 Words   |  8 PagesThe Vietnam War was a long lasting conflict in the Southeast Asia. It started after World War II in 1954 and didn’t end until April 30th, 1975. This war killed over 200,000 Vietnamese and over 58,000 American soldiers in the war; on top of that, the lives of over two million civilians. This war was also known as â€Å"America’s longest war† – that helped with the control of communism during the Cold War. F or nineteen years, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North Vietnam) fought against the American-SupportedRead MoreThe Vietnam War Was A 21 Year Conflict Essay1505 Words   |  7 Pagesevacuate from Vietnam. They did not possess a choice; they either progressed or died in their homeland. Due to the end of the Vietnam War, many South Vietnamese desired to leave because of the new communist regime, treatment they received, and their futures. The Vietnam War was a 21-year conflict that originated in 1954 surrounding Vietnam in several wars. This instigated two specific engagements with two countries: France and China. The altercation between France and Vietnam was called the Indo-ChinaRead MoreThe Vietnam War Was An Expensive And Fatal Conflict Between The North And South Vietnam1432 Words   |  6 PagesThe Vietnam War was an expensive and fatal conflict between the North and South Vietnam regions. The communist government from the north and their southern allies, the Viet Cong, were heavily against South Vietnam and their benevolent allies, the United States. The main purpose of the Vietnam War was to reassemble the country of Vietnam under the rule of communism. From the perspective of the Viet Cong, the conflict against the South and United States seemed as a colonial strife. During this timeRead MoreThe Vietnam War Was Five Major Conflict Points From The Years Of 1964-19751754 Words   |  8 PagesThe Vietnam war h ad five major conflict points from the years of 1964-1975. There was air war, ground war, the war at home, and negotiations between China and Soviet Union and primary enemies. There were many social, economic, and political issues that led to this war and developed during this war. America had conflicts with Vietnam that were to stop the spread of communism but with many political, economic, and social incidents occurring, including attacks on North Vietnam, manufacturing goodsRead MoreThe Vietnam War1402 Words   |  6 Pagesinstability in Vietnam from 1950 to 1975 between the communist North Vietnam and anti-communist South Vietnam during the Cold War era has led to the United States’ inevitable intervention in Vietnam. The main motivators for the United States’ incremental decision to intervene and commitment in Vietnam can be viewed as an accumulation of socio-political, political and economic catalysts. In recognition that there were many other factors that may h ave contributed to the U.S’s involvement in the conflict in VietnamRead MoreThe Vietnam War: How America Lost the War Against Communism Essay1094 Words   |  5 PagesThe Vietnam War was a conflict, which the United States involved itself in unnecessarily and ultimately lost. The basis of the conflict was simple enough: Communism vs. Capitalism, yet the conduct of the Vietnam War was complex and strategic, and brought repercussions which had never been seen before. The struggle between North and South had an almost inevitable outcome, yet the Americans entered the War optimistic that they could aid the falling South and sustain democracy. The American intentionsRead More The Impact of the Media on the Vietnam War Essay1710 Words   |  7 PagesThe Impact of the Media on the Vietnam War This essay will discuss to what degree the media can be blamed for the United States’ loss in the Vietnam conflict ending 1975. It will be based predominantly on key written resources on the subject, but it will also contain - by means of an interview - certain first-hand observations from a Vietnam War veteran. For the sake of conciseness, and in order to focus the bulk of the content on the main topic, this essay will make certain assumptions

Cyber Crimes free essay sample

What are cybercrimes and what do they consist of? Cybercrimes are defined as any illegal activity that uses a computer. The justice department goes a little more in depth and describes cybercrimes as using a computer for the storage of evidence. Cybercrimes have increased over time to something more than we could have ever imagined. The internet is went into full affect in the ear of 1990 when the Arpanet officially split into two separate networks to further facilitate usage and prevent military secrets from being found so easily. This is when the basis of cybercrime first began. There are cybercriminals which exist simply because they are drawn to the information that is contained by the World Wide Web. Nowadays, cybercriminals are much harder to track as they have evolved from the basic computer geeks who merely send viruses to another computer in efforts to crash it. They are far more advanced, and seek to steal information for their own personal gain. We will write a custom essay sample on Cyber Crimes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are several different types of cyber criminals. They include: Script kiddies; who lack the experience to hack the larger mainframe systems. However, they are capable of doing some type of damage to unsecured systems. These types of criminals are also known as â€Å"hacker wannabes†. Also are scammers who flood one’s email with false advertisement and junk mail. The send catchy subject line for gullible victims and include links in the emails that absorb information from the victims computer. â€Å"Hacker groups usually work anonymously and create tools for hacking. They often hack computers for no criminal reason and are sometimes even hired by companies wanting to test their security† (Batke, 2011). The considered highest risk of all cyber criminals are â€Å"Insiders†. â€Å"They may only be 20% of the threat, but they produce 80% of the damage. They often reside within an organization† (Batke, 2011). The fact that there are cyber criminals establishes a new set of victims which mostly include people that are lonely, gullible, and have low self-esteem. When attacking the lonely, gullible, low self-esteemed individuals, cyber criminals normally seek their prey on social networking sites. Normally, the criminals use false identities to entice the victims. One the victim is deceived, they tend to for a sense of trust and release all sorts of personal information. This is why it is always important to keep personal information completely confidential. If one is dealing with networks that require information such as full names, social security numbers, addresses, banking information or even medical records, he or she should search or specific icons or notices within the website that assures their security. A common tactic that is used by cyber criminals is called â€Å"The New Kid Ruse†. This is when the suspect created fake webpages and uses fake images to give the idea that they are someone else in efforts to divvy up the victims personal information. Once the criminal gets one small piece of information they tend to sink the hook of deception even deeper. These acts get serious. They get so serious that eventually the cybercriminal begins to threaten the victim with exploitation if he or she does not surrender to their demands; saying that the information that has already been retrieved will be set abroad to ruin the victim’s reputations if they do not comply. â€Å"The case of Christopher Patrick Gunn, 31, of Montgomery, Alabama, who was sentenced last month to 35 years in prison for producing child pornography through a massive online sextortion scheme, provides a glimpse of how modern-day confidence men are plying their trade against the most vulnerable and unsuspecting victims† (The FBI, 2013). In this particular case, Gunn lured many minors into performing lewd acts via webcam and email. He had exploited large sums of teenage girls in various states that include Mississippi and Louisiana. He even stretched this heinous activity to some teenagers in Ireland. Cybercrimes include smallest crimes you could think of and the biggest crimes imaginative. Fraud is a cybercrime people use to commit anywhere from insurance scams and identity theft. Identity theft is a crime in which a person collects vital information from someone such as their social security number in order to pretend to be someone that they are obviously not. Just this one type of cybercrime is becoming more of a problem every day. Harassment is an example of cybercrime in which I consider to be bullying. This type of crime is done without much thought or consideration of the next person. Cybercrimes also include but are not limited to cyber stalking, cyber terrorism, drug trafficking, scamming, exchanging files of copyright material, and obscene or offensive content shared over the internet.