Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Vietnam War Was A Conflict - 951 Words

The Vietnam War was a conflict between the communist army of North Vietnam and the Viet Cong against South Vietnam began in 1954. The United States began their involvement in the Vietnam War by supporting the democratic South Vietnam with weapons and soldiers. Many Americans were divided due to opposition of the US involvement with the war. It was the era of social movements like mexican american social activism, and anti-Vietnam War activism. I have interviewed a Vietnam veteran named Ernie Sanchez that was willing to discuss his experiences and effects of the war. Many Chicanos like Ernie fought against fought against discrimination, fought to survive the war, and fought to recover from the war. The United States motive for involvement in the Vietnam War was to stop the spread of communism to other countries. By 1969, the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war was more than 500,000 U.S. military personnel. In 1975, the Vietnam War ended and the country was unified as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam the following year. Although, before the war finally ended; there was constant protesting from civilians that demanded to stop drafting of young men and to end the war. In the Chicano community, the Chicano Moratorium was formed to raise awareness of the Vietnam War as a civil rights issue. It was an open secret that Mexican-American casualties in Vietnam were coming in disproportionate number to their population -- 20%of the casualties when they comprised 10% of theShow MoreRelatedThe Vietnam War Was A Brutal Conflict1666 Words   |  7 Pages The Vietnam War was a brutal internal conflict between North and South Vietnam over the North s attempt to spread communism. Taking place between 1961 and 1975, it became America s second longest war. This battle destroyed countless villages, farmlands, forests, and neighboring countries of Vietnam. 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